
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Rollercoaster

"However, don't rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven" Luke 10:20

Some days I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster. Get up early for prayer time - great, forget to make my husband lunch - I want to kick myself. Volunteer and church - refreshed. Get angry with my beautiful daughter - I want to kick myself again, harder. Up and down, Up and down my day goes, no wonder I am tired at night!

I came across this scripture passage today and God reminded me that if I place all my value, joy and worth in my accomplishments or transgressions I will never find peace or satisfaction because the pain of disappointment in oneself will always last longer than the joy of accomplishment. My joy needs to be focused on the fact that I am saved! Amen! My salvation is for sure and is forever!

Dear Lord
Day to day life has its ups and downs, and If I focus too much it the roller coaster goes faster and faster until I am dizzy, sick or both. Help be to remember to rejoice because my name is written in heaven because of your Son and not because of anything on this earth!
In Jesus name - Amen